

One purpose of this repository is to provide data related to FRBs, their host galaxies, and the galaxies foreground to them. This includes measurements (e.g. photometry), derived quantities (e.g. star formation rate), and observational data (e.g. spectra).


For FRBs included in this repository, currently those that are well localized and published, we have archived a set of basic measaurements, e.g. coordinates. These are saved as a set of JSON files in the data/FRBs/ folder of the repository.

One can load these data into an FRB object as follows:

frb121102 = ffrb.FRB.by_name('FRB121102')
# Coordinate
# Error ellipse
# DM

RM and other measurements are also included when available. See the FRB_Event.ipynb notebook for a bit more.

Host Galaxies

When a high probability association has been made for an FRB to its host galaxy, we also include data on the latter.

Here is an example for 180924:

# Instantiate the FRB
frb180924 = frb.FRB.by_name('FRB180924')
# Grab its host
hg180924 = frb180924.grab_host()
# Derived properties
# Grab the spectrum (see data access below)
meta, spec = hg180924.get_metaspec()

Future code will generate tables of the key quantities for the galaxies.



As galaxy spectra related to FRB surveys becomes available, we intend to archive these within a specdb database file.

Here is the public specdb which currently includes galaxy spectra related to all of the published ASKAP/CRAFT FRBs.

You will need to:

  1. Install specdb
  2. Place the public specdb file in a folder
  3. Point the environmental variable SPECDB to that folder

Galaxy Spectrum

The easiest way (perhaps) to load up a spectrum is by first instantiating an FRB galaxy object. Here is an example for the host galaxy of FRB 180924:

# Load the FRB
frb180924 = frb.FRB.by_name('FRB180924')
# Load the host galaxy
hg180924 = frb180924.grab_host()
# Load a meta data Table and the spectra
meta, spec = hg180924.get_metaspec()

meta is an astropy Table describing all of the archived spectra for this galaxy (here only 1 spectrum). spec is an XSpectrum1D object from linetools.

Galaxy script

The FRB repo also provides a basic script – frb_galaxies – for accessing galaxy spectra in the specdb archive. Here is the usage:

usage: frb_galaxies [-h] [--rho RHO] [--ang_offset ANG_OFFSET] [--cat]
                [--specdb SPECDB] [-p]

Script to fuss with FRB galaxies [v1.1]

positional arguments:
  coord                 Coordinates, e.g. J081240.7+320809 or 122.223,-23.2322
                        or 07:45:00.47,34:17:31.1 or FRB name (FRB180924)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --rho RHO             Maximum impact parameter in kpc [default=300.]
  --ang_offset ANG_OFFSET
                        Maximum offset in arcsec [over-rides --rho if set]
  --cat                 Only show data from the catalog (not meta)
  --specdb SPECDB       specDB file; defaults to $SPECDB/FRB_specdb.hdf5
  -p, --plot            Launch a plotting GUI?

And here is an example call:

frb_galaxies FRB180924

This prints a brief summary of the spectra available in the field surrounding FRB180924 (default is a 300kpc radius). You can plot spectra by adding the -p option.