Dispersion Measure

This document describes calculations related to the Dispersion Measure (DM) of FRBs.

Intervening Galaxies

A set of estimates for the DM from intervening galaxies is provided. These are based on the analysis given in PN17. All of the analysis is based on statistics of the damped Lya systems (DLAs).


An approximate average DM to a given redshift may be calculated with the frb.dlas.approx_avgDM() method:

DM = approx_avgDM(1.)

This may be calucated a single or array of redshifts. The return value is an astropy Quantity with default unites of pc/cm^3.


This algorithm generates realizations of the DM values by randomly placing intervening galaxies along a given sightline or sightlines. Here is an example call:

zeval = np.array([0.,1.,2.])
DMs = monte_DM(np.array(zeval), nrand=1000)  # Returned without units

The values returned are in units of pc/cm^3 but without astropy units attached. One can then perform stats on these outputs to the heart’s desire.