
These docs describe several utility methods to access the Data held in this Repository. This includes both FRBs and their host galaxies.

The data and measurements for each are stored in the Repository in individual JSON files. These are convenient for machines but not so useful for humans. You can see examples of accessing them in Python in the FRB and Hosts Notebooks.

There is also a Database Notebook showing examples described here.

It is intended to pivot the tables on the “FRB” tag.


Use the build_table_of_frbs() method to generate a pandas table of key quantities:

from frb import frb
frb_tbl, tbl_units = frb.build_table_of_frbs()

The frb_tbl is a Pandas table containing items like the name, RA, DEC, DM, etc. tbl_units contains the units of each column.


Use the build_table_of_hosts() method to generate a pandas table of key quantities:

from frb.galaxies import utils
host_tbl, tbl_units = utils.build_table_of_hosts()

This includes items like the photometry, nebular emission line fluxes, and derived quantities (e.g. stellar mass).


In pandas, here is how you would merge the FRBs and Hosts tables:

import pandas as pd
joined_tbl = pd.merge(frb_tbl, host_tbl, on='FRB', how='outer')

That will give you a large table with NaN’s for masked values.