

This document describes scripts that come with the Repo.


This script prints a simple summary of a given FRB and its host galaxy (when that exists) to the screen.

Here is the usage:

usage: frb_summary [-h] [--verbose] frb_name

Script to print a summary of an FRB to the screen [v1.0]

positional arguments:
  frb_name    FRB name, e.g. FRB180924 or simply 180924

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message

Here is an example:

frb_summary 180924

    "a": 0.07,
    "a_sys": 0.09,
    "b": 0.06,
    "b_sys": 0.07,
    "cl": 68.0,
    "cl_sys": 68.0,
    "theta": 0.0,
    "theta_sys": 0.0
DM=362.16 pc / cm3


    "z": 0.3212,
    "z_FRB": 0.3212,
    "z_spec": 0.3212



This script takes as input the FRB DM and a magnitude limit for the data and then estimates the redshift range assuming the Macquart relation (and simple host + MW contributions). It then converts the magnitude into fraction of L* for the host.

Here is the usage:

usage: frb_mag_limit [-h] [--filter FILTER] [--dm_hostmw DM_HOSTMW]
                    coord DM_FRB mag_limit

Script to print a summary of an FRB to the screen [v1.0]

positional arguments:
coord                 Coordinates, e.g. J081240.7+320809 or
                        122.223,-23.2322 or 07:45:00.47,34:17:31.1 or FRB
                        name (FRB180924)
DM_FRB                FRB DM
mag_limit             Magnitude limit in filter *without* extinction

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--filter FILTER       Filter -- only used for extinction correction. Must
                        be a Repo approved choice
--dm_hostmw DM_HOSTMW
                        Assumed DM contribution from MW and Host

And an example:

frb_mag_limit J151849.52+122235.8 200. 23.
EBV = 0.0366
NE2001 = 27.019541038348713 pc / cm3
Loading P(DM,z) from /data/Projects/FRB_Software/FRB/frb/data/DM/PDM_z.npz
For z_10=0.06, the limiting magnitude corresponds to L=0.00152L*
For z_90=0.14, the limiting magnitude corresponds to L=0.01805L*

The first time you run this script, it will generate a npz file and place it in the repo for future use. That takes a few minutes.


This script takes as input the FRB DM and its coordinates (approximate are fine) and then estimates the redshift range assuming the Macquart relation (and simple host + MW contributions, optionally input). For an (optionally input; tuple) confidence interval, it reports back the putative redshift range for the FRB.

Here is the usage:

usage: frb_pz_dm [-h] [--dm_hostmw DM_HOSTMW] [--cl CL] coord DM_FRB

Script to print a summary of an FRB to the screen [v1.0]

positional arguments:
coord                 Coordinates, e.g. J081240.7+320809 or
                        122.223,-23.2322 or 07:45:00.47,34:17:31.1 or FRB
                        name (FRB180924)
DM_FRB                FRB DM (pc/cm^3)

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--dm_hostmw DM_HOSTMW
                        Assumed DM contribution from the Milky Way Halo (ISM
                        is calculated from NE2001) and Host. Default = 100
--cl CL               Confidence limits for the z estimate [default is a 95
                        percent c.l., (2.5,97.5)]


Simple script to derive a few items along a given sightline including a listing of the public surveys covering that location. Input is the coordinates. Here is the usage:

usage: frb_sightline [-h] [-v] coord

Script to print a summary of an FRB to the screen [v1.0]

positional arguments:
coord          Coordinates, e.g. J081240.7+320809 or 122.223,-23.2322 or
                07:45:00.47,34:17:31.1 or FRB name (FRB180924)

optional arguments:
-h, --help     show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose  Overwhelm the screen?