
This document describes software used to parse catalogs and data from public surveys. In the context of FRB research, of course.

These codes have extra dependencies that are detailed in the Installation notes.



Here is an example of grabbing a catalog of sources around an input coordinate from the DES survey:

from astropy.coordiantes import SkyCoord
from astropy import units
coord = SkyCoord('J214425.25-403400.81', unit=(units.hourangle, units.deg))
search_r = 10 * units.arcsec
des_srvy = survey_utils.load_survey_by_name('DES', coord, search_r)
des_tbl = des_srvy.get_catalog(print_query=True)


Here is how to retrieve a cut-out image:

cutout, cutout_hdr = des_srvy.get_cutout(search_r, band='r')

The header may be used to generate a WCS object and overlay coordinates, etc.

Available Surveys


The Dark Energy Survey (DES) is an imaging survey with the Dark Energy Camera on the CTIO telescope in Chile. The current public dataset is Data Release 1 (DR1). The software will slurp catalogs and images from DES-DR1.


The DECaL survey imaged the majority of the Northern, extragalactic sky in the g,r, and z bands for the DESI survey.

HEASARC and SkyView

Any of the catalogs maintained by HEASARC and images maintained by SkyView are in principle available. These are the ones that have been integrated thus far:


The NVSS survey imaged the entire Northern sky north of -40 deg with the VLA. Catalogs and cutouts are available.


The FIRST survey imaged the Northern sky at 1.4 GHz with the VLA. Catalogs and cutouts are available.


The WENSS survey imaged the sky north of +30 deg at 325 MHz with the WSRT. Catalogs and cutouts are available.


One can also access the pulsar catalog known as PSRCAT which is regularly slurped into the FRB GitHub organization.